Providing critical support
for the underprivileged Children

My Little Haven! is a non-profit organization established to cater to the needs of underprivileged children in Africa with more focus on Liberia.

As the name suggests, this organization located in The Netherlands and Liberia is focused on providing CRITICAL support, especially to underprivileged children who lost their parents to Ebola, Covid-19, and children who have been tortured because of traditional believes such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), early marriage, and several others. 

Apart from these, we are also provide humanitarian services to the underprivileged and hungry through the organization of My Little Haven! Outreaches to neighbourhoods with high cases of child prostitution and violence (especially teenagers). Our services are not only limited to these as we will also be providing counselling services to victims of domestic violence and rape. 

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Every child is a unique individual that deserves a chance to become whatever they want. In fact, it should be a basic right. Worldwide, too many children are growing up in poor conditions. To give the children of Liberia a